We're not talking about my blog post but about this article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/08/robot-wrote-this-article-gpt-3?fbclid=IwAR3z6OCYiGY7kjBr6W07CS_p8hJyrJPa9rHeywNXz5vhNbzz0DQgxHcDoAY , written for the Guardian.

A fascinating experience. The Guardian asked a computer to write an essay. They provided the theme - "why humans have nothing to fear from AI?" - wrote the first sentence and asked to keep it short (500 words) and written in a simple and concise language.
The article was then written by GPT-3, an OpenAI's language generator using machine learning to to produce human-like texts (for more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPT-3). The computer produced 8 different versions based on various arguments.
The Guardian editors, as they would do with a human journalist, took the best portions of the various versions and reordered them as they usually do with human draft work. This illustrate once again the concept of "Cobots" - cooperation between robots and humans, which is supposed to produce the best outcome of both worlds.
I have to admit I quite like the article... what about you?
Do you find it amazing? Scary? Terrifying? Reassuring?
Please tell us!