250 links about the future of Africa 250 liens sur le futur de l'Afrique
Future studies & Africa Prospective & Afrique
Future studies & reports
Brookings Foresight Africa Top priorities for the continent 2020-2030
The Africa Report 3 trends for the future of African cities
UN Africa Renewal and the future of Africa
World Politic Review Africa's future will determine the rest of the World's
Future agenda Africa growth
IFC shaping the future of Africa
World Bank Africa's development future
Future Climate for Africa
WWF the future of Africa's wildlife
The Africa Future Summit in New York and touring Africa
The future of rural Africa top 10 trends in Africa
Mail & Guardian strategic trends in Africa
World Economic Forum 9 megatrends shaping the future of Africa
ACET African Center for Economic Transformation
McKinsey insights about Africa
Videos about Africa's future
The Future is Africa
The Future of Africa in 2040
Jack Ma Africa is the future
Africa's future in 2035, facts and figures
Africa's energy projects for the future
Which countries are taking off in Africa?
TrueAfrica the latest in Africa, from culture to technology and innovators
Afrofuturism at the intersection of African diaspora and technology, Afrofuturism explained by the Tate Modern
What the heck is Afrofuturism?
The best Afrofuturism images on Pinterest
African futurism defined vs. Afrofuturism
Future Africa a new political culture
Vidéos sur le futur de l'Afrique
Le futur de l'Europe se joue en Afrique
5 Méga projets qui vont faire bouger l'Afrique
Africa News l'afro-futurisme imagine l'Afrique du futur
Futur Africa futur de l'Afrique chaîne YouTube marocaine
Futur de l'Afrique en français
Afrique du futur voir l'Afrique avec les yeux du futur
Le Point Afrique les jeunes et le futur du continent
Union Africaine Agenda 2063
UNESCO futur africain: vers une émergence durable
Usbek & Rica et si le futur s'inventait en Afrique?
L'Afrique Magazine l'Afrique future usine du monde?
Futur.e.s en Afrique
Le Monde Afrique l'Afrique futur royaume de l'innovation
Les 8 villes les plus futuristes d'Afrique
Akon City ville du futur au Sénégal
Jeune Afrique afro-futurisme
L'Opinion le futur du français en Afrique
Fictions du futur l'Afrique au futur
Numerama 4 romans dans l'Afrique du futur
The Conversation le Wakanda de Black Panther Afrique du futur?
Press & Media Presse & Média
AfricaNews tech and innovation and their YouTube channel
The African editions of the big media BBC Africa and CNN Africa
BBC News about tech in Africa
SABC South African channel science and tech
TechTVAfrica a TV for African Tech
Next TV News Africa the news about the TV & Media sector in Africa
RFA Radio Future Africa
Pan African tech & innovation websites
African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development
Disrupt Africa disruption throughout the continent
All Africa the ICT landscape in Africa
Business Insider South Africa
African Business Central technology
Apps Africa tech news
IT News Africa African tech leaders
Tech Africa News and tech events in Africa
Tech Point Africa tech news in Africa
Techgist Africa latest tech news from Africa
How we made it in Africa
African Business technology section
African Startup news websites
Startup Africa News all about startups
Tech Crunch in Africa
Tech in Africa the startup scene in Africa
DigestAfrica a platform about investment in Africa
Quartz Africa trends in African startups
TechNext ranking of African ecosystems
Biz Community tech startup news from South Africa
WeeTracker on Pinterest for African Startup News
Venture Burn startup news seen from South Africa
Africup startup summit in Tunis
Blogs about African innovation
Afrinnovator tech and entrepreneurship in Africa seen from Kenya
Techloy tech news seen from Nigeria
Timbuktu Chronicles African entrepreneurship
TechCity tech seen from Nigeria
Tech Economy the tech economy seen from Africa's giant, Nigeria
Tech Cabal one of Africa's most successful tech blogs
Tech and Sodas African tech
Kachwanya TechMoran and TechWeez tech news seen from Kenya
Memeburn TechDotAfrica and MyBroadband tech blogs from South Africa
TV en français
Africanews technologie et science et leur chaîne YouTube en français
Africa24 info TV en francais
Sikka TV actu africaine en français
Medi 1 TV Afrique chaîne marocaine de l'Afrique
RFI Afrique et tech
France 24 journal Afrique
BBC Afrique en français
Presse et webzines en français
Jeune Afrique télecom et numérique
Challenge Maroc actu tech au Maroc eco business au Maroc
Terra Senegal high tech au Senegal
Financial Afrik actu business et tech
CEO Afrique technologie, innovation & sciences
StartupBoxivoire actu startups en Côte d'Ivoire
Entreprenante Afrique entreprendre en Afrique francophone
Agence EcoFin business et tech en Afrique
Vudaf le monde vu d'Afrique techno
LTE Magazine magazine tech marocain
Disrupt Tunisia actu tech Tunisie
Le Manager actu startups en Tunisie
Entrepreneurs of Tunisia l'écosystème tunisien des startups
L'économiste maghrebin actu tech
African Shapers Afrique en mutation
Algérie Eco economie numérique
Info Afrique économie et numérique
Ecosystems & innovative companies Ecosystèmes et sociétés innovantes
Most innovative companies
10 great African innovations
VC4A a platform connecting the startup ecosystem in Africa
Disrupt Africa's top 12 African startups to watch
Ventureburn's top 10 African startups to watch and top 20 incubators for African startups to apply for
Top 10 female-led African tech companies
Crunch Base list of top African startups
Top 10 African startups to watch
Tech investors in Africa
Orange Ventures Middle East and Africa
Future Africa capital for Africa
DigestAfrica a platform about investment in Africa
Top 7 rounds in Africa Tech
Large rounds in Africa
Crunch Base top VC in Africa
Partech Africa Tech venture report and Partech Africa fund
The African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association
The most active US-based VCs in Africa
5 investors active in logistics and transportation in Africa
Green Tec German investor in Africa
10 VCs investing in Africa Tech
CRE investing in Africa Tech
10 VCs from Africa and elsewhere investing in Africa
10 Venture investors to know in Africa
Brightmore Capital investment in Francophone Africa
TAEF Tunisian American Enterprise Fund
Outlierz Ventures from Morocco to Africa
Governmental and international support to innovation in Africa
Smart Africa a digital leadership initiative by 7 African countries
AUDA-NEPAD the African Union development agency
A list of international development agencies from major countries
The UN Capital Development Fund
Make IT in Africa German cooperation
Proparco the investment branch of the French development agency
GIZ the German cooperation agency
FCDO the British agency and their investment branch CDC
The European Investment Bank in Africa
African Development Bank ICT initiatives
East Africa ecosystems
East African Journal of Science Technology and Innovation
The Kenyan startup ecosystems
The main players in the Kenyan startup ecosystem
Tracxn 10 most exciting startups in Kenya and many other lists
Actors transforming Kenyan agriculture through innovation
The Startup Universal Kenya and Uganda country guides
The startup section of Business Today Kenya
The top startups in Kenya
WeTracker list of incubators in Kenya
Nailab supporting entrepreneurs in Nairobi
Starthub entrepreneurship in Uganda
TechPoint growing ecosystem in Rwanda
Startup Blink top startups in Rwanda
250 startup accelerator in Rwanda
Silicon Dar the community of entrepreneurs in Tanzania
The Tanzania startup association
Southern Africa ecosystems
The startup ecosystem in South Africa
The Startup Universal South Africa country guides
OCC / Google tech entrepreneurship ecosystem in South Africa
Startup Blink South Africa list
Mash Startup top incubators in SA
Entrepreneur South Africa top incubators
Silicon Cape catalyst for tech in Cape Town
Fast Company South Africa most innovative companies
Startup Guide Cape Town
The startup ecosystems in Ghana and Nigeria according to VC4A
The Startup Universal Nigeria and Ghana country guides
Startup Blink Nigeria and Ghana lists
Founders Institute Lagos startup resources list
Lagos entrepreneurial ecosystem snapshot
Startup Lagos the local ecosystem
GSMA and Ghana's ecosystem
100 globally competitive startups in Ghana
Future of Ghana startup award
Ecosystèmes d'Afrique de l'Ouest
CTIC incubateur sénégalais
Socialnetlink une silicon valley à Dakar
Sekou plateforme pour entrepreneurs
Dakar Startup plateforme sénégalaises pour les startups
Teranga Tech communauté tech franco-sénégalaise
CEO Afrique Dakar terre d'entrepreneurs
Vivafrik renouveau durable au Sénégal et Afrique de l'Ouest, leur 9 startup sénégalaises prometteuses
Startupbrics les 11 incubateurs qui font bouger l'Afrique de l'Ouest
Les accelerateurs Orange Fab au Sénégal, et en Côte d'Ivoire
Gaynako les incubateurs du Sénégal et de Côte d'Ivoire
Digital Africa dynamique de l’écosystème en Côte d'Ivoire
Top 10 et Top 15 par BlueBag Africa des startups ivoiriennes
Dream Factory incubateur public de Côte d'Ivoire
Journal d'Abidjan jeunes entrepreneurs
La porte du futur agence de développement pour l'Afrique
Ecosystèmes d'Afrique du Nord
Maroc guide pays Startup Universal
Startup Maroc ecosystème marocain
LTE Magazine l'écosystème marocain
Start-up.Ma annuaire des startups marocaines
8 startups innovantes à suivre au Maroc
Bidaya et Groupe Wib incubateurs marocains
Disrupt Tunisia annuaire des startups tunisiennes
Orange Fab accélérateur à Tunis
Le Manager 33 startups tunisiennes
Les incubateurs tunsiens Flat6Labs Tunis et MediaNET
Sylabs l'écosysteme d'Alger
Soutien public à l'innovation
Smart Africa a digital leadership initiative by 7 African countries
The UN Capital Development Fund
Emerging Valley sommet Europe Afrique des startups à Aix-Marseille
Proparco branche investissement de l'agence française de développement
Teranga fonds VC au Sénégal
Comoé Capital investisseurs en startup et PME en Côte d'Ivoire
Orange Ventures en Afrique
Les investisseurs les plus actifs en Afrique
I & P investissement impact en Afrique
Amethis investissement de croissance
France Invest panorama du capital investissement en Afrique